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Well Ladies and Gents of the SSR,
2025 is rolling on and Wheelsday 50 is approaching fast. Plans are well underway for this years show which I'm sure you will be happy to know, and as we get closer to the show its great to be able to share with you how the club is using the money we raise to help great causes in all our communitees.![]()
This months great cause is a charity called Big Moose which we have helped via an old friend of mine and longtime support of the club since the 1980s and our Slyfield show days.
Big Moose is a mental health help charity setup to offer people quick access to help when the NHS isn't quick enough, but I'll let Stu explain better.....![]()
"Early 2024 I was struggling with my mental health. The grief over the loss of both parents within 12 months in 2020/21 was crippling and I had to admit that "Time Heals" was not a strategy that was working for me.![]()
I sought help, but the NHS was overwhelmed and I needed help sooner rather than later. I turned to the internet and found Big Moose, a charity set up to help people struggling with their mental health; and they promise a response within 24hrs and you will see a qualified therapist within 7 days of your initial email.![]()
The relief of finally admitting that I needed help and getting that help within a week, without any cost or major hurdles was an amazing experience. In the end I had four sessions, which changed my life. The fact I was seen, no questions asked, with no barriers or long waits or hassle, Big Moose was simply amazing."![]()
Any of us can suffer with mental health problems at any time in our lives and for all sorts of reasons. Big Moose is there without prejudice to help us if we need it.
Remember, you are not alone! If you ever need help, remember they are only a click away -![]()
The SSR are so please to be able to help Stu support Big Moose tomorrow in the Farnborough Winter Half Marathon with our donation going to help cover the cost for several people to get the help they so dearly need. Hopefully you all agree this months donation is another worthy cause.![]()
And lastly, this is all thanks to you, the suppporters of the SSR. I know we say it every post but without your continued support we just couldn't help all the great causes we support each year. When you pay to show your car, attend the show to view the vehicles on display, or even just share our news and posts, you help us raise the money that goes to these great causes each year. We take none of it for ourselves. All the profit we make goes back to helping others in need! For that reason all the club are eternally greatful!!!
If you'd like to attend this years 50th show please feel free to head over to and register your vehicle or car club for entry, log your application to trade at the show or view our FAQ for info on the price of entry, when it is and where. Just about all your questions are answered there.
Car club entries close in the next few days so be quick, with single car entries closing in a month. Get on over to register now!!!![]()
Thanks for reading through this post. I know they can be long sometimes but hopefully you appreciate the updates.
All the best for now,
With a huge array of show cars, traders, autojumble and fun stuff for the kidsOpen to the public from 10am Good Friday at the Newbury ShowgroundIt’s a great day out for the whole family.
Hello to everyone of the SSR,
Hopefully you all had an enjoyable Christmas and are on the up ready for the New Year celebrations to come.
I just wanted to run a quick update which chould have gone out before christmas but due to illness and delays didn't (slap my wrist!)
Whiff of the SSR was the last of our team to finish organising our 3 step Christmas gift to the local communities in our area for disadvantaged families.
He writes 'Some 120 tickets panto tickets were donated to the two food banks in Godalming and surrounding areas. It was good to be able to give those in need a chance to go and see Godalming's "Jack and the Beanstalk" have some fun and forget their problems, whilst having a good shout at and sing along with the performers. Oh yes it was!'
Hopefully the lead into 2025 will bring another wonderful donation story for us to share with you to finish off the season of good cheer and lead us into the ramp up to WheelsDay 50!
If you haven't already, head on over to and there you will find all the answers to your questions and also the pages to register to show your vehicles at 2025s coming show.
All the best for now,
Andrew of the SSR
Hi everyone of the SSR,
No doubt you're all looking forward to the joys this season brings being just around the corner so I thought I'd just update you on our Christmas donations.
At the beginning of the month I told you all about the North Guildford Food Bank and our donation to them.
Well, today I'm pleased to pass on an update from Ant and Alan on our donation to The Vine Centre, and hopefully our donation of £500 towards Pantomine tickets will be able to add a little bit of cheer into the people in need this Christmas in Aldershot and the surrounding areas!
The Vine Centre is based in Aldershot, Hampshire and supports the local community of Rushmoor and the surrounding areas providing a broad range of services to the most disadvantaged members of the community.![]()
Ant writes "Alan and I met Lesley - the vine centre CEO who talked us through everything they do for the local community - not just the food. They offer alot of self help classes ranging from help to understand financial matters, getting a job, cooking all the way through to gaining qualifications. They also offer 1 on 1 help/counciling sessions.
They're a very nice team made up of both staff and volunteers. Some staff started as volunteers and some even started as people attending for help. It was very nice to be there and help them."![]()
Please remember, this is only possible thanks to your continued support attending WheelsDay.
WheelsDay registration is open now so if you'd like to show your vehicle (or know someone who might) why not head over to and register your interest today. Remember its totally non-profit! Theres also a FAQ section which will hopefully answer most of your questions as well including, price, location, date, etc.
Thanks to everyone who has and continues to help us each year, and hopefully I'll have atleast one more update to post before Christmas too!
All the best this Friday the 13th!
Well ladies and gents of the SSR,
The first of December is here which means the festive season is upon us. As we all get ready to enjoy good food, good company and fun times its not always easy to think of the unfortunate people out there for whom winter and Christmas is a very difficult time of year.
With the increased costs of heating a home, feeding a family and presents for young ones, Christmas can be a time of year that some families find is a breaking point in their lives. Christmas should be a magical time of year and I hope you all agree that every child should have something magical to look forward to no matter how hard times are.![]()
As you all know, we always donate to great causes around the christmas season especially those involving families and especially children. We used to work quite a bit with the wonderful team at Eagle Radio based here in Guildford (until they were sadly taken over and closed down by Bauer) and their many appeals over the years. One of the key people there was the breakfast maestro himself, PG who we were fortunate enough to get to know. He's a man of many talents and involved in many things locally including the wonderful pantomine each year at our lovely local theatre, the Yvonne Arnaud. And so when it came to our idea for this years christmas family donations, we luckily had an insider who was able to point us in the right direction of someone who could help.![]()
And so it is with a huge thankyou to The Peter Gordon Page for his assistance and the wonderful guys and girls at The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre we have been able to get 80 tickets to this years pantomine at Guildford's Yvonne Arnaud Theatre #Robinhood.
And to help us get them out to those who deserve them, our thanks goes out to the wonderful team at the North Guildford Food Bank who will be choosing 20 families in need in the Guildford area, who will each be getting 4 tickets as a little something extra with their Christmas food parcels so that Christmas can be a truely magical family occasion!
Keep your eyes peeled for further updates as Guildford isn't going to be the only place to be getting a Christmas family panto treatment from the Surrey Street Rodders!![]()
As always, we'd like to send you all a huge thankyou for your continued support. WheelsDay gives us the means to help wonderful good causes all year round and without your support we simply wouldn't be able to make a difference in peoples lives. You are all truely great!!!!
All the best for now,
Well Ladies and Gents of the SSR,
2025 is rolling on and Wheelsday 50 is approaching fast. Plans are well underway for this years show which I'm sure you will be happy to know, and as we get closer to the show its great to be able to share with you how the club is using the money we raise to help great causes in all our communitees.![]()
This months great cause is a charity called Big Moose which we have helped via an old friend of mine and longtime support of the club since the 1980s and our Slyfield show days.
Big Moose is a mental health help charity setup to offer people quick access to help when the NHS isn't quick enough, but I'll let Stu explain better.....![]()
"Early 2024 I was struggling with my mental health. The grief over the loss of both parents within 12 months in 2020/21 was crippling and I had to admit that "Time Heals" was not a strategy that was working for me.![]()
I sought help, but the NHS was overwhelmed and I needed help sooner rather than later. I turned to the internet and found Big Moose, a charity set up to help people struggling with their mental health; and they promise a response within 24hrs and you will see a qualified therapist within 7 days of your initial email.![]()
The relief of finally admitting that I needed help and getting that help within a week, without any cost or major hurdles was an amazing experience. In the end I had four sessions, which changed my life. The fact I was seen, no questions asked, with no barriers or long waits or hassle, Big Moose was simply amazing."![]()
Any of us can suffer with mental health problems at any time in our lives and for all sorts of reasons. Big Moose is there without prejudice to help us if we need it.
Remember, you are not alone! If you ever need help, remember they are only a click away -![]()
The SSR are so please to be able to help Stu support Big Moose tomorrow in the Farnborough Winter Half Marathon with our donation going to help cover the cost for several people to get the help they so dearly need. Hopefully you all agree this months donation is another worthy cause.![]()
And lastly, this is all thanks to you, the suppporters of the SSR. I know we say it every post but without your continued support we just couldn't help all the great causes we support each year. When you pay to show your car, attend the show to view the vehicles on display, or even just share our news and posts, you help us raise the money that goes to these great causes each year. We take none of it for ourselves. All the profit we make goes back to helping others in need! For that reason all the club are eternally greatful!!!
If you'd like to attend this years 50th show please feel free to head over to and register your vehicle or car club for entry, log your application to trade at the show or view our FAQ for info on the price of entry, when it is and where. Just about all your questions are answered there.
Car club entries close in the next few days so be quick, with single car entries closing in a month. Get on over to register now!!!![]()
Thanks for reading through this post. I know they can be long sometimes but hopefully you appreciate the updates.
All the best for now,
With a huge array of show cars, traders, autojumble and fun stuff for the kidsOpen to the public from 10am Good Friday at the Newbury ShowgroundIt’s a great day out for the whole family.
Hello to everyone of the SSR,
Hopefully you all had an enjoyable Christmas and are on the up ready for the New Year celebrations to come.
I just wanted to run a quick update which chould have gone out before christmas but due to illness and delays didn't (slap my wrist!)
Whiff of the SSR was the last of our team to finish organising our 3 step Christmas gift to the local communities in our area for disadvantaged families.
He writes 'Some 120 tickets panto tickets were donated to the two food banks in Godalming and surrounding areas. It was good to be able to give those in need a chance to go and see Godalming's "Jack and the Beanstalk" have some fun and forget their problems, whilst having a good shout at and sing along with the performers. Oh yes it was!'
Hopefully the lead into 2025 will bring another wonderful donation story for us to share with you to finish off the season of good cheer and lead us into the ramp up to WheelsDay 50!
If you haven't already, head on over to and there you will find all the answers to your questions and also the pages to register to show your vehicles at 2025s coming show.
All the best for now,
Andrew of the SSR
Hi everyone of the SSR,
No doubt you're all looking forward to the joys this season brings being just around the corner so I thought I'd just update you on our Christmas donations.
At the beginning of the month I told you all about the North Guildford Food Bank and our donation to them.
Well, today I'm pleased to pass on an update from Ant and Alan on our donation to The Vine Centre, and hopefully our donation of £500 towards Pantomine tickets will be able to add a little bit of cheer into the people in need this Christmas in Aldershot and the surrounding areas!
The Vine Centre is based in Aldershot, Hampshire and supports the local community of Rushmoor and the surrounding areas providing a broad range of services to the most disadvantaged members of the community.![]()
Ant writes "Alan and I met Lesley - the vine centre CEO who talked us through everything they do for the local community - not just the food. They offer alot of self help classes ranging from help to understand financial matters, getting a job, cooking all the way through to gaining qualifications. They also offer 1 on 1 help/counciling sessions.
They're a very nice team made up of both staff and volunteers. Some staff started as volunteers and some even started as people attending for help. It was very nice to be there and help them."![]()
Please remember, this is only possible thanks to your continued support attending WheelsDay.
WheelsDay registration is open now so if you'd like to show your vehicle (or know someone who might) why not head over to and register your interest today. Remember its totally non-profit! Theres also a FAQ section which will hopefully answer most of your questions as well including, price, location, date, etc.
Thanks to everyone who has and continues to help us each year, and hopefully I'll have atleast one more update to post before Christmas too!
All the best this Friday the 13th!
Well ladies and gents of the SSR,
The first of December is here which means the festive season is upon us. As we all get ready to enjoy good food, good company and fun times its not always easy to think of the unfortunate people out there for whom winter and Christmas is a very difficult time of year.
With the increased costs of heating a home, feeding a family and presents for young ones, Christmas can be a time of year that some families find is a breaking point in their lives. Christmas should be a magical time of year and I hope you all agree that every child should have something magical to look forward to no matter how hard times are.![]()
As you all know, we always donate to great causes around the christmas season especially those involving families and especially children. We used to work quite a bit with the wonderful team at Eagle Radio based here in Guildford (until they were sadly taken over and closed down by Bauer) and their many appeals over the years. One of the key people there was the breakfast maestro himself, PG who we were fortunate enough to get to know. He's a man of many talents and involved in many things locally including the wonderful pantomine each year at our lovely local theatre, the Yvonne Arnaud. And so when it came to our idea for this years christmas family donations, we luckily had an insider who was able to point us in the right direction of someone who could help.![]()
And so it is with a huge thankyou to The Peter Gordon Page for his assistance and the wonderful guys and girls at The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre we have been able to get 80 tickets to this years pantomine at Guildford's Yvonne Arnaud Theatre #Robinhood.
And to help us get them out to those who deserve them, our thanks goes out to the wonderful team at the North Guildford Food Bank who will be choosing 20 families in need in the Guildford area, who will each be getting 4 tickets as a little something extra with their Christmas food parcels so that Christmas can be a truely magical family occasion!
Keep your eyes peeled for further updates as Guildford isn't going to be the only place to be getting a Christmas family panto treatment from the Surrey Street Rodders!![]()
As always, we'd like to send you all a huge thankyou for your continued support. WheelsDay gives us the means to help wonderful good causes all year round and without your support we simply wouldn't be able to make a difference in peoples lives. You are all truely great!!!!
All the best for now,
Contact us
Got questions ? We’re all ears! Reach out to us today to discuss , or simply say hello. We can’t wait to hear from you!